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75 Ausgaben junge Welt für 75 € 75 Ausgaben junge Welt für 75 €
75 Ausgaben junge Welt für 75 €
17.11.2023 14:10 Uhr

Program of the 29th International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

Program of the XXIX. International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

Who owns the World?

In his »Solidarity Song« around 90 years ago, Bertolt Brecht reflected on severe threats to peace and progress and formulated: »Forward, and never forget, and ask the question speciffically, while hungry and while eating: Whose tomorrow is tomorrow? Whose world is the World?« These lines have not lost their currency; on the contrary, the questions they raise are more pressing than ever. What will happen on and to our planet if capitalism continues to prevail unhindered, with all its destructive consequences for people and the environment? What does it mean if resources that are urgently needed to protect the climate are instead channeled into weapons and wars? Our speakers will explore what political approaches and scientific findings are available to stop these dystopian developments. To do this, we need to talk about the systemic questions, about the necessity for different relations to production in order to create productive means in the interests of the majority rather than for the profit of the few.

The conference will be hosted by singer and actress Gina Pietsch.

10. 20 hrs.
Ingoma (Germany), drum group Berlin

11.00 hrs.
»Decline of reason, irrationalism and fascization: Right-wing strategies to seize power«
Ignacio Ramonet (Spain), journalist, media scientist and honorary president of the globalization-critical network ATTAC

11.45 hrs.
»Western imperialism's loss of hegemony: Inner-imperialist contradictions and warJuan«
Carlos Marsán (Cuba), Deputy Head of the International Relations Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba

12.10 hrs.
Audiovisual concert
»We do not forget« with Daniel Osorio (composer from Chile) and Musikandes

12.40 hrs.
»Environmental destruction, militarization and social degradation: exploitation of resources to maintain neoliberal power«
Theodora Pius (Tanzania), active in the national network of farmers' groups

13.00 hrs.
Youth Panel
»Militarization of youth and our response«
with Freya Pillardy (SDAJ), Idil Calli (DIDF-Jugend), Ariane Alba Marquez (SDS), Jan Hagelstein (IG Metall) and a person from the Berlin State Students' Committee, moderation: Selma Kleinau (SDAJ)

14.00 hrs.
»Another world is possible: consistent decolonization for the benefit of all«
Fikrejesus Amahazion (Eritrea), researcher in the Horn of Africa, specializing in African development, human rights and political economy

14.30 hrs.
»Mummies. Cantata for rock band« by Floh de Cologne (Germany) in a cinematic adaptation, followed by a discussion with Dieter Klemm (Floh) and Claudia Opitz, Sebastian Köpcke (filmmaker)

15.30 hrs.
Manifestation for a just peace in the Middle East
with: Calum Baird (Great Britain), Singer/Songwriter
Jeremy Corbyn (Great Britain), former leader of the Labor Party
Faten El-Dabbas, German-Palestinian spoken word artist, author and politologist
Wieland Hoban (Great Britain), Chairman Jewish Voice, composer and author

16.10 hrs.
»Answering the systemic question: Socialism as an alternative«
Sevda Karaca (Turkey), Member of the Grand National Assembly and Deputy Chairperson of the Labor Party (Emek Partisi)

16.30 hrs.
Message from Mumia Abu-Jamal (USA), author, political prisoner
Introduced by Julia Wright (USA), author and Mumia activist from the very beginning

17.00 hrs.
»Noch verschont von großen Kriegen«

17.50 hrs.
»How does sand get into the gears? Resistance, practical solidarity and anti-imperialism today«
Torkil Lauesen (Denmark), author and former member of the so-called Blekingegade group, which supported movements in the Global South in the 1970s and 1980s

18.30 hrs,
Panel discussion

Who will stop the Right ?

Alev Bahadir (Germany), Journalist, DIDF management, Żaklin Nastić (Germany), BSW, Member of the Bundestag since 2017, Shabnam Shariatpanahi (Germany), Qualified teacher, member of the German Communist Party (DKP), Luca Stüven (Germany), Perspective on communism, Gerd Wiegel (Germany), Political scientist, head of the department »Democracy, Migration and Anti-Racism Policy« at the DGB Federal Executive Board
Moderation: Stefan Huth, editor-in-chief of junge Welt

20.00 hrs:
Singing the Internationale together

Conference languages: English, Spanish, Turkish, German (simultaneous translation)

The program will be updated continuously.