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Gegründet 1947 Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025, Nr. 41
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Program of the XXV International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

Von jW

Entrance at 9.30 AM

10.20 AM Musical opening with »The Pokes«, folk punk band from Berlin
10.30 AM Opening of the art exhibition of the group »Tendenzen« Berlin

Presentations starting at 11 AM

Power of the Streets – Fighting for the Future – Challenging the political system

In Latin America, in the Middle East, but also in the imperialist metropolises, it pushes people in large numbers on the street. The social and environmental grievances caused by those in power are becoming increasingly unbearable for the masses. Resistance is formed in different social areas, and the power of the streets is a means of paving the way to a better future. But what should this future look like? And what is necessary to achieve it? How do national and international movements work together? Which forms of oppression and resistance do activists need? How does the relationship of reform, revolution and counterrevolution discussed?

»Resistance in France: Relationship yellow vests and union«
Karl Ghazi, Confédération générale du travail (CGT) Paris, France

»On the political situation in Israel and the Palestinian resistance in Palestine«
Lea Tsemel, Lawyer, Israel

»Black Lives Matter: Resistance to Police Violence, State Corruption and Neo-Colonialism in the US and Worldwide«
Tory Russell, Black Lives Matter, USA

»Resistance in Colombia and Latin America«
Luz Díaz, trade unionist, Colombia

Greetings from Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and political prisoner, USA
Johanna Fernandez, historian and spokeswoman for the advocacy team of Mumia Abu-Jamal, USA

»For the right to independent development – Resistance to US imperialism«
Yoerky Sánchez Cuellar, Director of the daily Juventud Rebelde and member of the Cuban Council of State

»Talk about the political situation in Turkey«
Max Zirngast, Journalist, Austria


The class contradictions are particularly acute in Latin America. In Chile the neoliberal authorities have faced an angry population since mid-October. In Bolivia, on the other hand, the elected left-wing president Evo Morales is being overthrown by the police and the military. Cuba is resolutely resisting the US economic war. In Venezuela the US-staged coup could be warded off in the first instance. In Brazil fascist President Jair Bolsonaro had to release his main opponent, Labor Party politician Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, from prison. Important victories and lost battles. The XXV. International Rosa Luxemburg Conference will bring together more than 3,000 participants in a manifestation of solidarity for the struggling peoples of Latin America, in which the protest against the coup d'etat in Bolivia will be play a central role.

Round table with activists from different movements

Power of the Streets – Fighting for the Future – Challenging the political system

In Germany too we witness demonstrations in dimensions that had previously been unconceivable. Movements, social grievances and the cutback of democratic rights are bringing to the streets more and more people demanding a solution to the problems. These cannot be tackled by way of small reforms. But to what extent is the capitalist system itself being called into question? Does better networking with one another and with the organizations of the labor movement not provide an essential prerequisite for actually achieving changes? Trying to get to the bottom of that question, jW editor Jan Greve speaks with representatives of »Ende Gelände«, »Fridays for Future«, »Parkschützer« from Stuttgart, »Deutsche Wohnen & Co. enteignen«, »Rheinmetall entwaffnen« and »Kulturkosmos«.

Cornelia Kerth, national chairwoman of VVN-BdA (Association of the victims of nazi regime) about the financial aggression of state institutions against critical associations

Panel »Escape, migration and class struggle« at 6 PM

Those who start new colonial wars displace millions of people. Anyone who wants to tackle climate change, if at all, only in the EU, increases migration. Those who spread more and more poverty worldwide through an economy that kills leave those in despair only flight from their countries as a way out. The main causes of war suffering, environmental destruction and misery are based in the West. Those in power there have been waging a class war for decades against the world's poor, not against global poverty. They use – relatively low migration to the EU – to promote nationalism and fascism, and to split and weaken the workers' and peace movement, communist and socialist left. Some see the migrants as competitors in the job market, for us they are class sisters and brothers. How does the left-wing movement in Germany respond to that? And how does the question of challenging the political system come into play?


  • Daniel Weber, head of the section »Migration & Gleichberechtigung«, DGB-Bildungswerk Bund
  • Dr. Ulrich Schneider, chief executive »Der Paritätische Gesamtverband«
  • Renate Koppe, staff council, member of the party executive of the German Communist Party (DKP)
  • Yusuf As, member of the Federal Board of the »Federation of Democratic Workers Associations« (DiDF)

Moderation: Stefan Huth, Editor of the left-wing daily junge Welt

Forum of the youth in hall MOA 5

Whose world is the world? – Panel discussion with members of »Föderation Demokratischer Arbeitervereine« (DiDF), Activists trade unions and members of the Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterjugend (SDAJ)

Rental fees are increasing drastically in all major cities. The campaign »Deutsche Wohnen & Co, enteignen« is a reaction to this. In the most progressive parts of the environmental movement comes the demand for expropriation of the transport industry and the energy sector. School buildings are being privatized and connected with the private sector via school sponsorships, textbook publishers and the tutoring sector. The free disposal of the capitalists through their corporations makes precarious working conditions possible. Together with other organizations and activists, we want to discuss what role the demand for expropriation must play in our struggles and what forms that could take concretely.

Cultural Program

Kamal Hamadan, Communist Party Lebanon, speaking with Susann Witt-Stahl, editor of Melodie & Rhtyhmus, about the situation in his country and the big solidarity concert with Marcel Khalifé, Rami Khalifé and Aymeric Westrich for a hospital project in Lebanon on March 28, 2020 at URANIA Berlin

Revolutionary Art: »Das Floß der Medusa« – Requiem for Che Guevara by Hans Werner Henze and Ernst Schnabel. Remember the prevented premiere of December 9, 1968
Recitation: Rolf Becker, actor; Music: Hannes Zerbe & Ensemble

Simon-Dach-Projekttheater (SiDAT), talk with project manager Peter Wittig, Song »Resolution der Kommunarden«

8 PM Joint singing of »Die Internationale«

Exhibition (opening at 10.30 AM)
Artist group »Tendenzen« Berlin, »When production turns into destruction: destroying capitalism, not man and nature!«

Many artists have applied to participate in the seventh exhibition organized by the »Tendenzen« group from Berlin. A jury selected the most expressive works – pictures and sculptures. They are shown in the foyer and in the room »MOA 3«. The artists are available for talks throughout the day to guests of the conference. The organizers present the exhibition on the main stage in a conversation with the moderator Anja Panse.

Musical finale with »The Pokes«, folk-punk band from Berlin, in the lounge. The »Café K« provides drinks.

Moderation: Anja Panse (actress, director)
Conference languages: German, English, Spanish and Turkish (simultaneous translation)