junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk!
Gegründet 1947 Sa. / So., 18. / 19. Mai 2024, Nr. 115
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junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk! junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk!
junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk!
29.09.2023, 11:55:34 / Der Bandera-Komplex

The Bandera Complex

Ukrainian fascism – history, function, networks

Fascists function as NATO's secret weapon and whip for the fight it has been pushing down »to the last drop [of Ukrainian] blood«. Therefore, the political class and media establishment of the West glorify them as heroes and methodically conceal their murderous ideology. The international conference »The Bandera Complex« intends to contribute to the exposure of this mass manipulation: The political roots of the cult surrounding the Ukrainian fascist leader and Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera, will be exposed, and facts will be presented to counter the dangerous distortion of history, particularly in Germany. The influence of the Banderites is highlighted, at the very least, as an obstacle to develop an understanding with Russia as the basis for a stable peace. Continuing from this, a critique will be presented of today's hegemonic anti-fascism, which has renounced its Marxist roots and finds itself blind, at best, to the fatal alliance of Western imperialism and the fascists it has heavily armed.

The presentations of the event are available in German and English on the junge Welt YouTube channel.
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Tageszeitung junge Welt am Kiosk

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