4. Mai, Diskussion zu Grundrechten
Gegründet 1947 Freitag, 3. Mai 2024, Nr. 103
Die junge Welt wird von 2751 GenossInnen herausgegeben
4. Mai, Diskussion zu Grundrechten 4. Mai, Diskussion zu Grundrechten
4. Mai, Diskussion zu Grundrechten
27.09.2023, 15:23:33 / Der Bandera-Komplex

Program Schedule & Info

Attention! The event is sold out. You can follow the conference on October 29, 2023 via livestream (in English or German) at www.jungewelt.de.

Program Schedule

10.30 am
Welcome: Dietmar Koschmieder (managing director Verlag 8. Mai / newspaper junge Welt)
Introduction: Susann Witt-Stahl (Editor-in-chief Melodie & Rhythmus, free journalist)

11.00 am
Lecture: Moss Robeson
Trident, Swastika, Eagle: The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the Holocaust and the origins of the Bandera Lobby in the USA
Questions and discussion

12.00 pm
Lecture: Russ Bellant
»No armistice and no compromise with the Kremlin«: Banderites as instruments of the USA and NATO in the Cold War
Questions and discussion

13.00 pm Break

13.45 pm
Lecture: Moss Robeson
Unmasking the Bandera Lobby: Investigating OUN-B and its role in the Ukraine conflict
Questions and discussion

15.15 pm Break

15.45 pm
Lecture: Jürgen Lloyd
Uncompromising Enforcement of the Maximum Interests of Monopoly Capital: On the function of fascism in the Ukrainian war
Questions and discussion

17.00 pm Break

17.15 pm
Panel: Oleg Jasinsky, Jörg Kronauer, Russ Bellant, Arnold Schölzel
Ukrainian Fascists and the Bandera Lobby – Agitators for the World War III?
Moderation: Stefan Huth (Editor-in-chief junge Welt)

19.00 pm End

Overall Moderation: Sebastian Carlens (Publishing Director, Verlag 8. Mai / newspaper junge Welt), Susann Witt-Stahl (Editor-in-chief Melodie & Rhythmus, free journalist)

The programme is subject to change.
Sunday 29.10.2023
Start: 10.30 am (Entry: 10.00 am)
End: 7.00 pm
Place: Münzenbergsaal of the ND-Haus, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin


By participating in the event, you agree to the possible publication of photographic material in which you can be seen.

The conference will be held mainly in English with simultaneous German translation. The event will be broadcasted in both languages via livestream.

The event is organised by the daily newspaper junge Welt and the culture magazine Melodie & Rhythmus. It is a major political and organisational challenge and involves high costs. Therefore, we are dependent on financial support. Donation account: Verlag 8. Mai GmbH, Berliner Sparkasse, IBAN: DE25 1005 0000 0190 7581 55, BIC: BELADEBEXXX, pay-ment reference: »Bandera-Komplex«.

Donation via PayPal:

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