junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk!
Gegründet 1947 Sa. / So., 18. / 19. Mai 2024, Nr. 115
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junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk! junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk!
junge Welt: Jetzt am Kiosk!
27.09.2023, 15:39:16 / Der Bandera-Komplex

»No armistice and no compromise with the Kremlin«:

Von Russ Bellant

Banderites as instruments of the USA and NATO in the Cold War

During the Cold War, the international Bandera Lobby became closely connected to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) which led to unprecedented access in Washington and the White House during the 1980s. An important facet of this nexus was the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), a Banderite-led coalition of former Nazi collaborators that preached the »inevitability« of World War III. The WACL united these fascists with Nazis from Germany, death squads from Latin America, far-right regimes in Asia, and other Cold Warriors from around the world, all of whom were obsessed with eradicating communism.

The lecture is primarily based on research for the 1988 published book »Old Nazis, New Right, and the Republican Party«. For this study the author met key figures of the »fascist international« during the Cold War – such as an OUN-B delegation led by Slava Stetsko, wife of Stepan Bandera's deputy and member of the central committee of the ABN.

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